148 research outputs found

    Herausforderungen im Prozess der Einführung eines neuen IT-Dienstes bei mittelständischen Banken

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    Die Digitalisierung der Wertschöpfungskette schreitet immer weiter voran und hat insbesondere in der Finanzwirtschaft bereits einen großen Teil der täglichen Arbeit revolutioniert.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung in mittelständischen Banken am Beispiel einer Genossenschaftsbank. Der Fokus wird dabei auf den Prozeß der Einführung von IT-Diensten und die daraus resultierenden Herausforderungen gelegt

    Observation of three-body correlations for photons coupled to a Rydberg superatom

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    We report on the experimental observation of non-trivial three-photon correlations imprinted onto initially uncorrelated photons through interaction with a single Rydberg superatom. Exploiting the Rydberg blockade mechanism, we turn a cold atomic cloud into a single effective emitter with collectively enhanced coupling to a focused photonic mode which gives rise to clear signatures in the connected part of the three-body correlation function of the out-going photons. We show that our results are in good agreement with a quantitative model for a single, strongly coupled Rydberg superatom. Furthermore, we present an idealized but exactly solvable model of a single two-level system coupled to a photonic mode, which allows for an interpretation of our experimental observations in terms of bound states and scattering states

    Intraoperative determination of the load-displacement behavior of scoliotic spinal motion segments: preliminary clinical results

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    Introduction: Spinal fusion is a widely and successfully performed strategy for the treatment of spinal deformities and degenerative diseases. The general approach has been to stabilize the spine with implants so that a solid bony fusion between the vertebrae can develop. However, new implant designs have emerged that aim at preservation or restoration of the motion of the spinal segment. In addition to static, load sharing principles, these designs also require a profound knowledge of kinematic and dynamic properties to properly characterise the in vivo performance of the implants. Methods: To address this, an apparatus was developed that enables the intraoperative determination of the load-displacement behavior of spinal motion segments. The apparatus consists of a sensor-equipped distractor to measure the applied force between the transverse processes, and an optoelectronic camera to track the motion of vertebrae and the distractor. In this intraoperative trial, measurements from two patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with right thoracic curves were made at four motion segments each. Results: At a lateral bending moment of 5Nm, the mean flexibility of all eight motion segments was 0.18±0.08°/Nm on the convex side and 0.24±0.11°/Nm on the concave side. Discussion: The results agree with published data obtained from cadaver studies with and without axial preload. Intraoperatively acquired data with this method may serve as an input for mathematical models and contribute to the development of new implants and treatment strategie

    Incentivierung des Managements bei Unternehmenskäufen/Buy-Outs mit Private Equity Investoren - eine empirische Untersuchung

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    Since years, incentives for the management have become a standard upon acquisitions of companies by Private Equity Investors - so-called Buy-Outs. However, until this date there are no empirical studies available on the arrangements of management participations and potential conflicts of interest especially on occasion of sales from one Private Equity Investor to another - so-called Secondary Buy-Outs. This present study is based on a survey among Private Equity Investors and Management Teams in companies controlled by Private Equity Investors. It shows a high degree of sensibility of all parties concerned for the issue of incentives and the potential conflict of interest involved with it. It also showed that market standards for management incentives have developed in the meantime. In practice, the instrument to prevent conflicts is therefore the transparency of the transaction. The only way to prevent criminal and civil consequences (damages) for the managers involved, as well as obstructing or even frustrating the process as a whole, is an open and transparent communication about the selling process and possible concepts of incentives between all parties concerned, i.e. seller, buyer and the management involved. Despite the frequency of such transactions there are - until today - no market standards or guide lines for this necessary transparency. The present study intends to create initial groundwork for this. --Management Buy-Out,MBO,Management Buy-In,MBI,Leveraged Buy-Out,Private Equity,Secondary Buy-Out,Managementbeteiligung,Beteiligungsvertrag,Bad-Leaver/Good-Leaver,Interessenkonflikt,Beteiligungsquote,Garantien,Exit,Incentivierung,Reporting,Transparenz

    Preparation and spectroscopy of a metastable Mott insulator state with attractive interactions

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    We prepare and study a metastable attractive Mott insulator state formed with bosonic atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattice. Starting from a Mott insulator with Cs atoms at weak repulsive interactions, we use a magnetic Feshbach resonance to tune the interactions to large attractive values and produce a metastable state pinned by attractive interactions with a lifetime on the order of 10 seconds. We probe the (de-)excitation spectrum via lattice modulation spectroscopy, measuring the interaction dependence of two- and three-body bound state energies. As a result of increased on-site three-body loss we observe resonance broadening and suppression of tunneling processes that produce three-body occupation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Intrapancreatic accessory spleen: A rare cause of a pancreatic mass

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    Summary: Conclusion: The clinical significance of intrapancreatic accessory spleens resides in the mimicry of pancreatic cancer. Radionuclide tests (Octreotide scan and Tc99m sulfur colloid scan) should be undertaken to distinguish these lesions from neuroendocrine tumors, hypervascular metastases and pancreatic carcinoma. If the tests are equivocal, diagnostic laparotomy or laparoscopy is recommended. Background: Despite its relatively common occurrence, intrapancreatic ectopic splenic tissue is rarely deted owing to its asymptomatic nature. Methods: We report a case of a clinically asymptomatic patient in which abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans revealed a mass of 1.5 cm in diameter in the distal pancreas. The tumor markers CA 19-9 and carcinomebryonic antigen (CEA) were slightly elevated, and pancreatic neoplasm was suspected. Results: Left pancreatic resection and splenectomy were performed. The removed specimen disclosed the presence of an accessory spleen within the pancreatic tai

    Pelvic Morphology Differs in Rotation and Obliquity Between Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and Retroversion

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    Background: Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and acetabular retroversion represent distinct acetabular pathomorphologies. Both are associated with alterations in pelvic morphology. In cases where direct radiographic assessment of the acetabulum is difficult or impossible or in mixed cases of DDH and retroversion, additional indirect pelvimetric parameters would help identify the major underlying structural abnormality. Questions/Purposes: We asked: How does DDH and retroversion differ with respect to rotation and coronal obliquity as measured by the pelvic width index, anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) sign, ilioischial angle, and obturator index? And what is the predictive value of each variable in detecting acetabular retroversion? Methods: We reviewed AP pelvis radiographs for 51 dysplastic and 51 retroverted hips. Dysplasia was diagnosed based on a lateral center-edge angle of less than 20° and an acetabular index of greater than 14°. Retroversion was diagnosed based on a lateral center-edge angle of greater than 25° and concomitant presence of the crossover/ischial spine/posterior wall signs. We calculated sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for each variable used to diagnose acetabular retroversion. Results: We found a lower pelvic width index, higher prevalence of the AIIS sign, higher ilioischial angle, and lower obturator index in acetabular retroversion. The entire innominate bone is internally rotated in DDH and externally rotated in retroversion. The areas under the ROC curve were 0.969 (pelvic width index), 0.776 (AIIS sign), 0.971 (ilioischial angle), and 0.925 (obturator index). Conclusions: Pelvic morphology is associated with acetabular pathomorphology. Our measurements, except the AIIS sign, are indirect indicators of acetabular retroversion. The data suggest they can be used when the acetabular rim is not clearly visible and retroversion is not obvious. Level of Evidence: Level III, diagnostic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidenc

    Long-term survival of patients with stage IV hypopharyngeal cancer: Impact of fundus rotation gastroplasty

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    Stage IV circular hypopharyngeal cancer is a disease with poor long-term survival, and the only means of cure—surgery—is associated with high morbidity. All patients admitted with circular hypopharyngeal cancer and extension to the esophagus were enrolled in a multidisciplinary treatment protocol, including circular laryngopharyngoesophagectomy with tracheostomy, neck dissection, and pull-up of a fundus rotation gastric tube that was anastomosed to the oropharynx. Five weeks postoperatively high-dose radiotherapy (60 Gy) was given to the cervical region. Altogether, 18 qualifying patients were explored cervically, were found to have resectable lesions (i.e., without carotid artery infiltration), and were included in the protocol. After laryngopharyngoesophagectomy, an elongated gastric tube was pulled up to the oropharynx. The average distance bridged with the tube was 32±4 cm. No anastomotic leaks were found on postoperative Gastrografin swallow, and oral feeding was started between days 5 and 8. Patients were discharged with normal oral feeding on day 21 (±17 days). Diarrhea, postprandial fullness, and reflux resolved within 6 months postoperatively. Five patients died during the follow-up period of 42 months (range 3-63 months): three due to cardiac events 18 and 38 months postoperatively and two within 12 months with residual disease and tumor recurrence, respectively. The estimated 5-year survival was 60%. We concluded that an aggressive multidisciplinary approach including circular laryngopharyngoesophagectomy, neck dissection, and high-dose radiotherapy ascertains good long-term survival and good functional results in patients with advanced hypopharyngeal cancer when the intestinal continuity is reconstructed with a fundus rotation gastroplast

    Celiac axis infusion chemotherapy in advanced nonresectable pancreatic cancer

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    Summary: Conclusion: Based on these data we suggest that regional intra-arterial chemotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer seems not to be superior to common treatment modalities, such as combined radiochemotherapy. Background: The prognosis for advanced pancreatic cancer is very poor. No standard treatment is available. Recently, better survival and quality of life was reported from regional cancer treatment via celiac axis infusion. In an attempt to confirm these results we conducted a phase II study of intra-arterial chemotherapy for nonresectable pancreatic cancer. Methods: From May 1994 to February 1995, 12 consecutive patients with biopsy-proven advanced ductal carcinoma of the exocrine pancreas were given intra-arterial infusions consisting of Mitoxantrone, 5-FU+ folinic acid, and Cisplatin via a transfemorally placed catheter in the celiac axis. Six patients were classified as UICC stage III and six as stage IV with the liver as the sole site of distant metastasis. Nine patients had primary and three had recurrent pancreatic carcinoma after a Whipple procedure. Nonresectability of primary tumors was assessed in all patients by laparotomy or laparoscopy. Results: A total of 31 cycles of chemotherapy (mean 2.6 cycles/patient) was administered. Catheter placement was technically feasible in all cycles. A groin hematoma was the only catheter complication. The follow-up by CT sans at 2-mo intervals revealed partial remission in 1 patient (8%), temporary stable disease in 4 patients (33%), and disease progression in 7 patients (58%). The same response was obtained after analyzing the CA 19-9 course. Median survival in stage III patients was 8.5 mo (3-12 mo) and in stage IV patients 5 mo (2-11 mo). Toxicity according to WHO criteria consisted of grade III (4 events), grade II (10 events), and grade I (17 events), mainly resulting from leucopenia and diarrhea/vomiting. Nine of 11 patients experienced temporary relief of pain immediately after regional treatmen